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AoS What to buy next?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Christopher, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    With two exceptions (both Behemoths, the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur and the Engine of the Gods), I can now field at least one unit of every model type on the current Pitched Battles list for Seraphon as listed in the 2017 General's Handbook. You'll find a survey of my Seraphon models with some build notes below my signature on this post.

    I'm interested in being able to field a flexible and powerful variety of lists across a range of points values from 500 to 2000. Rather than concentrating on specific lists or even on specific Warscroll Battalions, I'd like to continue collecting with an eye toward variety and robustness. Ultimately, I'd like to have enough models of different types to field just about any list or Warscroll Battalion.

    That said, my funds, time, and energy for building and painting are not infinite (most of the models listed below are still unpainted, and a few are still in their boxes, though the vast majority are built and primed).

    With the above in mind, what do you think I should start buying and building next? The only items on my wish list at the moment are two more Razordons (currently unavailable). I was considering another Start Collecting box because that would get me the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur I need along with some more Knights and Warriors at a relatively nice price point. But I'm also mindful that many lists consist of very large Battleline units, so there's always more Skinks or Warriors to consider (though I'm kind of burned out on painting Skinks at the moment).

    One factor to consider is that, as you'll see from my build notes, I started collecting and building before I'd really read the rules very closely, so I didn't build with the knowledge that individual units need to be equipped identically. Oh, and in addition to the models below, I'll be ordering a Balewind Vortex this afternoon.

    Okay, that's it!



    Razordons (1)
    Salamanders (3)
    Saurus Warriors (32) – 1 Stardrake Icon, 1 Wardrums, 15 Celestite Clubs, 15 Celestite Spears
    Skinks (71) – 40 Boltspitters & Star-bucklers, remainder unbuilt
    Bastiladon (1) – Solar Engine
    Stegadon (1) – Skystreak Bow & Skink Alpha
    Troglodon (1)
    Lord Kroak (1)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (1)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (1)
    Saurus Oldblood (2)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (1)
    Saurus Sunblood (1)
    Skink Priest w/Feathered Cloak (1)
    Skink Starpriest (1)
    Skink Starseer (1)
    Slann Starmaster (1)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (1)
    Chameleon Skinks (5)
    Kroxigor (3)
    Ripperdactyl Riders (3)
    Saurus Guard (15) – 1 Stardrake Icon, 1 Wardrums, 1 Alpha Guardin, 12 Celestite Polearms
    Saurus Knights (8) – 1 Stardrake Icon, 1 Wardrums, 5 Celestite Blades
    Skink Handlers (12)
    Terradon Riders (3)
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    From your list I would say a SC box that will allow you to field 40 warriors after that Razors and another Steggy.
    Christopher likes this.
  3. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Not in a unit of 40, though right? Because I mistakenly built my Warriors splitting them between Clubs and Spears, so the twelve new ones in the Start Collecting Box will only get me to 29 like models (15 existing + Drummer + Icon Bearer + 12 from Start Collecting Box). I kind of messed myself over there.
  4. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Buy the SC and split the difference again between the clubs and spears, also build another full command. That way you can field two blocks of 20.
    Christopher likes this.
  5. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    Considering that units have to have the same weapons throughout, it's not hard to get people to agree that "this blob of warriors are all spears." I didn't know that when I first played so I had mixed it up to get front line clubs and back line spears. Nobody has ever cared now that I say " all skinks are blowguns, all saurus knights and warriors are spears." I don't think they even give you enough of one or the other to equip all one way (every sixth skink has to take a javelin or at least convert it as they give you 20 blowguns in a pack of 24 skinks).
  6. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    You’re definitely right about the Skinks and the maximum number of like-equipped models being 20 out of a pack of 24. Only so much room on those sprues, I guess.

    As for mixing and matching, this came up in my game just the other day. My opponent didn’t know about the “all models in a unit must be identically equipped list” until I showed him the FAQ, and I didn’t have any problem with him doing exactly what you say you’ve done there—just playing the units as if they were built with identical equipment. I think there are some places—tournaments maybe—where you have to play your models a they’re built, though.

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